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How Businesses can Promote Safe Driving: Useful Insights by a Road Safety Crash Barriers Manufacturer

Businesses where workers spend time behind the wheel as part of their job, driver safety should be the top priority.The loss of human lives and the financial and reputational costs of motor vehicle accidents are too high to beignored. As a reputed road safety crashbarriers manufacturer

We share strategies how businesses can promote safe driving:

  • Have a clear policy on what is safe driving

    To promote safe driving at the facility, businesses need to give their employees a reference point on whatsafe driving is. This document should be detailed and should be kept up-to-date. All employees shouldhave access to this document so that they can refer to it from time to time.  The document shoulddefine the speed limit. It should also set a realistic goal for the number of miles that a driver candrive safely each day. It should tell in detail how drivers can reduce stress by planning the route aheadof time.

  • Reward good driving

    Driver safety programmes have to go beyond flagging risks and issues and communicating these to drivers.Rewarding the employees  ensures that they are happy and engaged drivers. By rewarding good drivinga culture of safety will be built in the organisation.

  • Disciplinary action for driving infractions

    Just like good drivers should be rewarded, have a disciplinary action plan to address the problem ofpreventable work-related accidents.  Employees will be more likely to adhere to the safetyguidelines if they know there will be a consequence if they don't.

  • Proper vehicle maintenance and

    Vehicles that are not well-maintained are more prone to accidents. Businesses must make sure all theirvehicles are maintained.

  • Make driver training an ongoing part of safety programmes

    Motor vehicle training should be an off-one training. After initial driving safety training, there shouldbe regular training to sessions to reiterate standard safety procedures such as wearing seatbelts, andavoiding distractions such as talking on the phone, adjusting the radio or other controls, eating ordrinking.

  • Reduce driver fatigue

    One of the most common causes of work-related driving accidents is driver fatigue. Businesses must ensurethat they have adequate staff. The work should be scheduled in such a way that the drivers arewell-rested before there's change in shifts.

  • Carry background checks before hiring drivers

    Before hiring a driver, businesses must make sure to check their driving record. There should be regularchecks on the drivers' performance and feedback should be shared with them.


Looking for crash barrier suppliers for your project?

Metal crash barriers and pedestrian safety barriers ensure safety of motorists and pedestrians on the road. When used asa centre line divider to segregate two opposing traffic flows, they prevent cross-over collisions. Utkarsh Metal BeamCrash Barriers are manufactured and tested conforming to international standards. They are hot-dip galvanised for longerlife. As one of the leading crash barrier suppliers, we are a one-stop shop for all components and anchorage systems. Wedeliver all over India.

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